AHOJ volám sa Niko ma 17 rokov . Navštevujem Cirkevne gymnázium sv. J. Krstiteľa v Trebišove . Mojím koníčkom je joga ktorej sa venujem už 3 roky .Tento blog bude o mne o mojich kamarátoch , o škole a o joge . Blog bude zameraní na všetko až po tie veci ktoré sú pre mňa dôležite . V druhej časti blogu sa budem venovať svojim kamarátom s ktorými je sranda ak ich aj vy spoznáte tak uvidíte že naozaj je s nimi sranda .Ak najbližšie budem písať o joge tak zistite ako joga nám pomáha zlepšovať našu flexibilitu a ktoré cviky pomáhajú od bolesti hlavy a chrbtice ale môžete vidieť aj moje denne praktikovania jogy A viac fotiek nájdete tu https://www.instagram.com/poweryoganiko/
Ashtanga yoga - Mysore Style Mysore Style Mysore Style The Ashtanga Yoga method is built around the ‘Mysore Style’ class, so named because yoga was taught this way by Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, in Mysore, India, and continues to be taught this way in traditional Ashtanga Yoga schools around the world. In Mysore Class, the student is taught a sequence of postures through one-on-one instruction. The correct movements, breathing, and other aspects of the practice are learned gradually, in a step-by-step process accessible to anyone. This method allows each student time to practice and memorize what they have learned before adding more. Students are able to practice independently and at their own pace while surrounded by the energy and inspiration of other students in the room. The main teacher and assistants are able to work with each student individually. Initially, students may require more attention, but as they become proficient in their practice, they are allowed more indepe...
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